The newest self-employment with alkaline technology, small business ideas in india

 Hi friends !! In this article we will learn about small business idea with advanced technology.
Drinking water, which is essential for the survival of the species, has become a commercial product today. Recently it has become necessary to buy and drink purified water regardless of whether it is in cities or villages. Purified water by reverse osmosis (RO) plants removes some essential minerals and other substances. Water called non-mineral water contains minerals that are essential for good health. We are looking at marketing glucose-laden water as energy water.

Alkaline water is another type of water that has become popular in recent times. Research shows that alkaline water has many health benefits worldwide.
What is Alkaline Water?
Alkaline and acid properties are measured by the amount of hydrogen ions in the water. The pH of the water ranges from 1 to 14. Water is treated as acidic water with a pH of 1 to 6, neutral water with a pH of 1, and alkaline water with a pH of 8 to 14.

Body weight loss. Increases bone stiffness. Physical strength thrives. Increases skin lightness. Increases mental energy and keeps you healthy. Increases immunity. Alkaline water does a lot of good for those who are not physically active and those who eat Western foods. Comprehensive health can be achieved through the use of alkaline water.
So friends !! You can become self-employed and make good profits by setting up an alkaline water plant.

 Alkaline water is made by passing purified water through filtered alkaline + carbon + sediments filters made with special technology. The pH should be between 8-9 and the water should be prepared and filled in 20 liter cans and marketed to households and commercial areas.
Industry cost:
Rs 10 lakh to set up a simple alkaline water canning industry with a production capacity of 6,000 liters per day
Will be required. That means Rs 10 lakh is required for the purification plant, water cans and other expenses. The cooling alkaline water canning industry with a production capacity of 6,000 liters per day would require up to Rs 20 lakh.

For more details watch this video in telugu ::
Permits required to set up an alkaline water plant:
Must undergo business registration. Must undergo registration under Small Scale Industry. In doing so, the central government can get a subsidy for new small scale industries. Furthermore (FSSAI) food safety and standards authority of india, permission must be taken in local panchayats. Must have ISI or iso certification.

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