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Rat trap glue pads manufacturing and wholesale business plan

 Today our topic is Rat Trap Glue Pad Making Business.

This business is a business that is developing in the market right now and is not much competition in the Telugu states. We used to have a box like a bone to catch rats, they would return to avoid getting into the bone, and they would have a box like a biscuit to eat and die. It used to smell a lot. This is how we get tired of trying so many different things.


 With the rise of technology came changes in the manufacture of every commodity. There have also been changes in rat killing products. present Everyone is using Rat Trap Glue Pad. If it is placed in a place where the rats mostly roam, it will come there and stick to the glue pad and die. They are also easy to pull off. This Rat Trap Glue Pad has no odor and no toxins that can harm humans. So this product is in good demand in the market and the profits are also high. So you can start making these Rat Trap Glue Pads and earn good income.

Rat Trap Glue Pad business can be done in two ways. The first method will require an investment of around Rs 5 lakh. For the second method, you can start with at least 10 thousand rupees.


Now let’s look at the first method!

This method involves purchasing the machine, raw materials, making the Rat Trap Glue Pad and selling it in the wholesale or retail market.


When it comes to the raw materials and machinery required for this Rat Trap Glue Pad manufacturing!

Ingredients in particular, rat glue. It is a thick gum .. or Adhesive, glue price is Rs. 300 / – per kg. Also one of the Rat Trap Glue Pad Making machine is required. Also for rat pads we have to purchase colored card board sheets, cut them to the desired size on the outside printing press and print the product details, our company logo, other required details on it as well as the packing covers, boxes required. Machinery and Raw Material All available at affordable prices at and


Now let’s how to make Rat Trap Glue pad,

Friends! First glue, Rat Trap Glue Pad Making has a side glue box. . Put this glue in it. If the pre-printed card boards are placed on the belt of the machine, one by one glue will stick and come out of the machine.


Now let us first learn the details of investment, income and expenses in the Rat Trap Glue Pad manufacturing industry in the first method!

Starting this rat trap glue pads industry requires a semi-automatic Rat Trap Glue Pad Making machine. It costs around Rs 4 lakhs, and it costs around Rs 30,000 to buy a card board in the market, cut it and print it in a printing shop. Raw material Cardboard and glue require about 50,000 to purchase, and another 500 sft of working space is required. Electricity Power supply is required. Minimum 3 worker labor will be required. Including all the expenses, a minimum investment of around Rs 5 lakh is required.



It costs us Rs 10 to make a rat trap pad all together, with prices ranging from Rs 35 to Rs 50 depending on the company in the market. Taking into account the market price of 35 / -, we have a profit of Rs. 25 per pad. If we make and sell 300 pads like this, all the expenses will be gone and the profit will be up to Rs. 7500 per day.


Now let’s look at the second method!

This method involves buying wholesale from the manufacturer, marketing Rat Trap Glue Pads to retail shops and selling the products. It can be started with an initial investment of 10 thousand. To buy Rat Trap Glue Pads wholselsale at low prices, visit b2bwebsites like, This includes those who manufacture these pads. Contact them by phone, go directly to the products and look at the quality and purchase. This rat trap pad price, wholesale prices start from Rs. If you sell for 35 rupees, you will get a profit of 15 rupees on each pad. If we sell 300 pads like this, all the expenses will be gone and the profit will be up to Rs 4500 per day.



Now let’s learn about marketing.

These Rat trap glue pads can also be sold at all supermarkets and grocery stores. You can also register as a seller and sell pads on all e-commerce websites like amazon pantry, flipkart. Pest control products can also be sold in shops.

 The govt permits are required for this business and the GST registration number and municipal permission are required. Trade license should also be taken.


Our plea is to be able to go further and study the market prices and other things before starting this industry.


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