Do you want to start any business? I am now going to tell you about a good profit margin, good demand, business opportunity, and dealership opportunity with an income of Rs 3 lakh per month.
First of all, if we start any business, the present should run well .. as well as the future should run well .. good profits should come. So a leading company offers a business opportunity to think about such a future.

Before we get into the details of this business, let us first know why you should start this business.
At present petrol prices are rising day by day. Today the price of a liter of petrol has crossed 120 / -. The price of a liter of petrol is likely to go up from Rs 140 / – to Rs 150 / – soon. As pollution from petrol and diesel vehicles also increases, this new trend business will develop, as well as succeed. That business is the Electric Vehicles business. In the coming period, by the year 2040 and 2050, all vehicles will become electric vehicles. There is a huge demand in the market. But the supply is very low. So Mr.EV Company, the leading manufacturer of Electric Vehicles in our india, offers all over india dealerships.

Before we get into the details of this dealership opportunity, let us now look at what Mr.EV ”Company co-founder Mr.REHMAN garu has to say about this business and his company Electric vehicles.
My name is Rehman, today I would like to inform you about a good business opportunity in the field of electric vehicles. In this electric vehicles business, along with supply, demand is high. So if you start this business, you can easily earn 3lakhs per month. Also you can start this business on a low budget and earn 10,000 / – per day.
We give our Mr.EV company’s electric vehicles dealership, all over india. Our company has four models of electric scooters in different types and variations. Mr. There are four types of EV scooters: Maze, Flux, Lord and Roar. These vehicles are available in 5 different colors like red, white, black, brown, orange.
Before starting this business, we conducted on road trails with all types of series electric vehicles. No problem with these bikes. These bikes run eco friendly during the summer season, winter season and rainy season. There will be no issues. Only after checking all the aspects, these bikes were launched into the market.

We provide battery and charger along with each vehicle. Also every model bike has a remote key. You can turn the bike on / off with that key. These bikes also have anti-theft technology feature. If anyone tries to steal this bike, a burglar alarm will sound. The company offers a 5amps charger. With this charger the battery will be full in 4 hours. There are two options for battery charging in these bikes. One can keep the battery in the vehicle and charge it. The second is to remove the battery, charge it at home and re-insert it in the vehicle. This feature is especially useful for those who live in apartments. Also the percentage of power in the battery and the amount of charging will be displayed on the charger.
We also use Lithium Ferro Phosphate Batteries in our company electric vehicles. Those batteries have longer durability and longer life.
Also in the speedo meter you can see how much is being charged in the electric vehicle meter and how fast the vehicle is going. There are also 3 modes in bike speed. Depending on the mode selection, the vehicle speed will go up. 25 km / hr in Mode 1, 35 km / hr in mode 2 and 55 km / hr in mode 3.
Also these bikes have a parking mode button. Pressing that button will blink the front and rear four signal lights. These bikes have a USB port for mobile charging. There is space in the dickey and front boxes under the bike seat for storage of any grocery or other items.
After four hours of charging, the bike can go up to 120 km. These types of batteries are only available at our company at very low prices compared to other companies.
This bike weighs 70kgs. This bike can run from 250 to 300 kg.
Compared to other MNC companies’ electric vehicle dealerships, the dealership cost of those companies is over Rs 40 lakh. The dealership cost of the same Mr.EV company will be less than 10 lakhs. Also this company has a higher profit margin on vehicles than other companies’ vehicles. Also the electric vehicles of other companies in the market are very small. Sitting handles hit the legs, becoming heavier as a person walks. But our company vehicles are heavy. Like petrol bikes the three of them have the comfort of sitting and riding happily.

When it comes to showrooms, all showroom setup and interior work is done by dealership owners. The company will guide you on how to make the showroom theme.
Mr.EV dealership cost Rs 10 lakh. The company’s dealership fee is 2 lakh rupees. For the remaining 8 lakhs we will give all types of models 10 electric vehicles.
When it comes to warranty, the company gives 3 yrs for battery, 1 yr for motor and 6 months warranty for charger.
The company offers 2 services free for these Mr.EV bikes. The dealer can then charge up to 200-300 for the service. Also the company gives full training on Mr.EV bikes to the technician on behalf of the dealer.
When it comes to profit, the dealer prices of four model bikes range from Rs 60,000 / – to Rs 75,000 / -. The dealer can make a profit of Rs. 10,000 / – to Rs. 15,000 / – on those prices and sell the vehicles. The company will also give an incentive of Rs. 20,000 / – for sale of 20vehicles in one month, Rs. 100,000 / – for sale of 100hhicles in six months and Rs. “Mr.EV” company co-founder Mr.REHMAN garu said.
This Mr. If you have any doubts about EV Electric Scooters dealership or contact the company for dealership.
Mr EV Company
Electric Vehicles Manufacturer
Contact number:
Ph: 8500965432, 9959675360
Email: –, Website: –

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